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On Behest of the Emperor

Quest Giver: Arbitrator Kelliar (Scorched Woods)

Requirements: Level 95
Request Phrase: have time Task Locks on Request
Zone In Phrase: prepared
Time Limit: 6 Hours
Task Type: Group, 1 Minimum, 6 Maximum Players
Lockout: 3 Hours
Repeatable: Yes


  • Variable Amount of Experience
  • Variable Amount of Coin
  • Variable Amount of Sathir Trade Gems


  • Mercenary of Chardok


Task Steps:

Step 1:
  • Destroy the eggs of the sokakar that the sarnak rely on in battle. 0/8 (Chardok) More Info
  • Destroy the supplies that the sarnak would need should a battle break out 0/8 (Chardok) More Info

Step 2:
  • Read and memorize as many sarnak battle plans as you can find. 0/10 (Chardok) More Info
  • Acquire some of the Sarnak's books, they may have valuable information 0/8 (Chardok) More Info

Step 3:
  • Defeat the sarnak military advisor. 0/1 (Chardok) More Info

Royal Guard Kakator or its PH will spawn

Step 4:
  • On your way out, rescue as many prisoners as you can. 0/5 (Chardok) More Info
  • Set explosives to cut off some of the support beams and collapse the tunnels that lead out 0/3 (Chardok) More Info


Step 1:
  • Destroy the eggs of the sokakar that the sarnak rely on in battle. 0/8 (Chardok)
    • Defeat eggs, found throughout the areas and halls closer to where you zoned in at

  • +20 Currency, +Experience, +Coin on Task Completion

  • Destroy the supplies that the sarnak would need should a battle break out 0/8 (Chardok)
    • Destroy crates, found throughout the zones, mainly in rooms

  • +?? Currency, +Experience, +Coin on Task Completion


    Step 2:
  • Read and memorize as many sarnak battle plans as you can find. 0/10 (Chardok)
    • Defeat Sarnak Strategists and loot Battle Plans, found in the Royal area (as indicated by on the map)

  • +20 Currency, +Experience, +Coin on Task Completion

  • Acquire some of the Sarnak's books, they may have valuable information 0/8 (Chardok)
    • Acquire books found in the library, they are ground spawns on bookcases, tables, benches, and the floor

  • +?? Currency, +Experience, +Coin on Task Completion


    Step 3:
  • Defeat the sarnak military advisor. 0/1 (Chardok)
    • Defeat the advisor in the Princes room (as indicated by on the map)

  • +40 Currency, +Experience, +Coin on Task Completion


    Royal Guard Kakator or its PH will spawn

    Step 4:
  • On your way out, rescue as many prisoners as you can. 0/5 (Chardok)
    • Defeat the Guards around Prisoners then Hail them (as indicated by on the map)

  • +20 Currency, +Experience, +Coin on Task Completion

  • Set explosives to cut off some of the support beams and collapse the tunnels that lead out 0/3 (Chardok)
    • Set explosives in the tunnels leading to the static zone in area, they will explode and update after a few seconds

  • +10 Currency, +Experience, +Coin on Task Completion


    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Dunda On: October 01, 2019, 07:16:36 AM

    Explosives have to be laid in green passage just west of the round room under near the Kennel Master Al'ele... was a PIA

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Candaan On: January 03, 2017, 03:36:28 PM

    "Set explosives in the tunnels leading to the zone in area, they will explode and update after a few seconds"

    is a bit misleading. We assumed it meant from the "instance" zone in area, and spent quite a bit of time with no luck getting explosives to go. Thanks to Fian's post indicating the charges should be placed in the green tunnels leading to the static zone zone-in area.

    Set explosives in the tunnels leading to the STATIC zone-in area (green tunnel between Watch Captain Hir'roul and an undead chokidai), they will explode and update after a few seconds

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Candaan On: December 07, 2016, 05:10:37 PM

    Acquire some of the Sarnak's books, they may have valuable information 0/8 (Chardok)

    Books are ground spawns on top of bookcases, tables, benches, and on the floor in the library.

    The library is the room where Grand Advisor Zum'uul spawns as marked by an 8 on the chardok named map.

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Riou On: December 01, 2016, 04:57:07 PM

    He cast Dreamstone Barrier and Sarnak finesse. he dropped a Glorious Belt of Darkness for me along with 2 collectibles. also a side note - I was unable to complete the task due to accidentally zoning out after placing the 3rd explosives. they went off but since I was not in zone I got no credit and now cannot click there any longer. The explosive literally explode. if you stand close you get hit by it ( lose invis too).

    Thanks, I made notes of it exploding after a few seconds and updating

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Uuvin On: December 01, 2016, 04:18:27 PM

    He cast Dreamstone Barrier and Sarnak finesse. he dropped a Glorious Belt of Darkness for me along with 2 collectibles. also a side note - I was unable to complete the task due to accidentally zoning out after placing the 3rd explosives. they went off but since I was not in zone I got no credit and now cannot click there any longer. The explosive literally explode. if you stand close you get hit by it ( lose invis too).

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Riou On: November 23, 2016, 08:04:19 PM

    Updated the steps missing up to here, thanks!

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Fian On: November 20, 2016, 04:41:14 PM

    2 more new ones on this:
    "Destroy the eggs of the sokikar that the sarnak rely on in battle."
    Eggs are "chests" that you destroy. The are in zone in, and the first part of tunnels after zone in.

    "Read and memorize as many sarnak battle plans as you can find."
    Mob drop (Sarnak Battle Plan) in SW part of zone.

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Fian On: November 19, 2016, 04:23:03 PM

    Destroy the supplies that the sarnak would need should a battle break out.
    Destroy crates in middle of zone.

    Acquire some of the sarnak's books, they may have valuable information.
    Most are on tables, but some are on floor or on a ledge overlooking the pit.

    Defeat the sarnak military advisor.
    A royal advisor on the west side.

    On your way out, rescue as many prisoners as you can.
    Kill "a guard" guarding "a prisoner". Not slaves.

    Total of 90 Sathir Gems awarded.

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Fian On: November 19, 2016, 12:24:45 AM

    The version my group got was different for step 4. We were given Arcanist Explosives and the 4th step said
    "Set explosives to cut off some of the support beams and collapse the tunnels that lead out."

    Took us 2 hours in the mission but we finally figured out that the Green tunnel, starting in the NW is where you put 3 explosives at different locations. One of the loc for the explosives was n145 n994 n232.

    Only 80 currency was received for this mission. Considering that the other in Burning Woods gave 100 and is easier, I think we will avoid this one in the future.

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Fian On: November 18, 2016, 03:49:31 PM

    This HA shares the task timer with "Other Things". So you can only do one or the other, but not both sequentially. We had 1.5 hours wait time after completing the first, so I am guessing the request delay is about 3 hours from time to request the mission.

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: Fian On: November 18, 2016, 01:55:14 PM

    I was able to request this after completing "On Nobody's Side." I also had "Where is Burning Woods" but not "Digging YourSelf Deeper" or "The Last Grove."

    Re: On Behest of the Emperor By: gotcharms On: November 17, 2016, 11:55:21 AM

    Updates today:

    Destroy the supplies that the sarnak would need should a battle break out 0/8
    - Four crates can be found in the "Arena" area north-eastish from the zone in. The others are spread throughout the zone, generally found in rooms.
    Acquire some of the Sarnak's books, they may have valuable information 0/8
    - These are found in the library on top of shelves, tables, and benches.

    On Behest of the Emperor By: Riou On: October 05, 2016, 01:41:00 AM

    Questions? Comments? Post them here! Original page - https://eok.eqresource.com/onbehestoftheemperor.php

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